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About Rodney

  • Rank
    Truth is... I'm Iron Man.

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  • Location
    New Mexico

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  1. I’d love to see it in person. It looks unbelievable in the pictures. The finish and weathering is great. Rodney
  2. Drew, I'm loving your build. Especially the riveting. I'm sure it'll really add to the final model. Rodney
  3. Need to post updated list. Thank you to those of you who did buy a kit. Rodney
  4. Amazing year! Especially your F-4s. I'm hoping to build a F-4G in Euro this year. Rodney
  5. Thanks. I'm interested to see how Meng did on it. Really looking forward to their F-4E. Rodney
  6. Gene, I'll take it. I'll send a PM shortly. Rodney
  7. Dang, good prices on nice kits! Somebody buy that F-104…..
  8. Dave’s a great seller and my kits arrived with no issues. Tempting me to look again. The link is not working for me. Rodney
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