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About ORANGF15Guy

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday January 10

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  • Location
    Eugene, OR
  • Interests
    Model Building, guns and beer

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  1. I have the sheet if your interested….I’m not going to use it. the 4 ejection seat markings on the lower part of the main sheet are missing, but other than that it’s complete. Shoot me a pm!
  2. ORANGF15Guy

    F-16 ADF

    We need an aftermarket company like BAM Models to develop an ADF conversion set-pylons, search light, vertical stab, scab plates and IP for the Tamiya F-16! I’d be in for at least two and it certainly sounds like there is interest! Hint, hint!
  3. I’ve used the paint for about two years and have not thinned any of them including shading! FYI
  4. Canopy open, FOD covers on, RBF flags flowing freely and boarding ladder hanging off of the canopy rail! Just my two cents!
  5. Kingsley Field also ended up with 65th aircraft…..FYI
  6. Jake’s Modern Eagle Guide is very comprehensive!
  7. I am currently working on two GWH F-15C’s and I am using a set of KA nozzles and a set of Reskit nozzles. Both fit the GWH kit and I have dry fitted each to verify! It appears to me that both sets will fit easily. I will say that the KA set is the way to go if you don’t want to attach all of the actuators to the nozzle, like the Reskit set!
  8. Hey Larry, My preference would be either the Hasegawa or GWH kit over the Fujimi kit. The Has kit is older but good detail and the GWH kit is excellent in detail, but not without issues-canopy shape, ejection seat, nozzles. Either will build into great looking Eagles! And there are great aftermarket sets for both kits as well if you’re into hyper detailing and making the kits more accurate! Hope that helps! Brad
  9. Hey Bob, I prefer the GWH kit to the Academy’s offering! Both kits have issues, but in my opinion the GWH is a better/easier build…just my two cents!
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