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About GeejeeZ

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    Step away from the computer!

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    The Netherlands

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  1. Now that's too bad now that I thought the thread just got more interesting the last days...😉😉😉 Take no offense Drifterdon. I'm affraid you are not the only one that doesn't share my what I call humour.
  2. I know John, I know. My modelling world actually consists of buying second hand kits of the old Heller and Esci kits of civil helicopters. I have also become an expert in civilizing Chinook, S-58, Sea King, Super Puma, Huey, 212 and 412 kits. It's been a while since there was an interesting heli kit release for me, the Dream Model Dauphin as a matter of fact, so there is still hope!😁 And, ofcourse, the AW139 and the S-92 have their military versions, so there might even be a chance of such a kit.
  3. Thanks for the info guys! I must admit I have never seen a 214ST in real life but as a civil helicopter fanatic I have developed a fascination for this helo. I remember a photo somewhere where a guy lied down comfortably on a MR blade. Indeed very, very wide.
  4. How many smilies do you need to get the humor?
  5. Guys, guys, guys. This thread is getting boring...😉 I get sick and tired of people that want a kit that is already available but it's a D instead of an A+, or the existing kit is not good enough. Or it's in 1/32 instead of 1/35. You guys just don't seem to know how lucky you are, you spoiled little brats!!!😫 Now, here come the real drama of some models that just are not there: Bell 214ST Sikorsky S-92 AW 139 Airbus H155 Bell 206 L MD600N And oh yeah: never mind the scale: any scale would make me happy... 😞
  6. Thank you, that is great news Andy!!
  7. Magnificent, can't stop going through the inmages again and again!!!
  8. Thanks for the heads up MoFo. This looks too good to be true. The 160 and the 130 are not too expensive so I am tempted though... Some time ago I read on the BM forum that Air Graphic Models from UK were planning an 1/72 H-160 (and lateron an AW139!!!) but somehow I cannot find these back on the website. Considering the price of their 1/72 Squirrel/ AStar though, these kits would be priced way beyond what I would be willing to pay.
  9. You did a sterling job Phantom, but I am affraid that has more to do with your modelling skils than with the quality of this kit. Hey, I know we should be glad someone tackles the subject. I hope for the best but am expecting the worst...
  10. Wow, great work on a fascinating kit!! The S-92 is top on my helicopter model wish list although as a particular impatient modeller I do not look forward to the hassle with resin... But hey: beggars can't be choosers and I did get acceptable results in a resin kit on the S-92- predecessor: the 1/72 S-61N by Whirlybits. Thank you for keeping us updated, will be following this one with interest. Good luck!!
  11. 1/72 S-92 1/72 H225 1/72 AW139 1/72 Bell 214ST 1/72 /48 Bell 407 1/48 H145 1/48 MD530F 1/48 H300 please.. And oh yeah: as said by JohnEB: no need to go crazy on the parts number!
  12. 👍 👍👍 Couldn't agree more!!!
  13. Fascinating read, thank you for sharing the link 11bee!! Gertjan
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