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About Gambler

  • Rank
    Full Blown Model Geek

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  • Location
    Sydney, Australia.

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  1. Thank you Gabor!...will do! Cheer's, Jeff.
  2. Hi all, Whats the general consensus on the 1/48 Hobby Boss U-2R Dragon Lady?....I can't find any decent reviews on it, just wondering if it looks fairly accurate in the configuration Hobby Boss have depicted it in, or any glaring errors on it that deem it pretty bad. I'd love to model the U-2, but I don't know anything about it, so any info will be much appreciated. Cheer's, Jeff.
  3. Yes, looking good! You are better than me, despite having OCD with stuff like this as well, I dont think I could go through the process on a built model, I'd end up out of pocket by starting with a new kit over again..😆 Not sure if I missed it, but what type of paints was it done in originally, Acrylic's?......and yes, Fightertown's Decals are as accurate as they get! Cheer's, Jeff.
  4. Looking good Steve! Great techniques, thanks for sharing them.👍 This is going to be a stunning model when done. Cheer's, Jeff.
  5. Superb work Eric! That looks very good indeed. Cheer's, Jeff.
  6. Looking forward to the next steps Steve! Looking good. Cheer's, Jeff.
  7. That is incredible detail work on that Nose Gear! Brilliant. Cheer's, Jeff.
  8. Any aircraft that I have modelled that have a glossy finish in real life, I use a satin finish on.In my opinion, gloss finishes on scale models just doesnt look right, it makes them look like a die cast model, or a toy, but that is only my opinion, and there will be plenty that dont agree. I would go for a satin finish. Cheer's, Jeff.
  9. Beautiful shots of the -46 Josh! Superb. Cheer's, Jeff.
  10. Outstanding Manfred! The bus turned out fantastic, and I'm sure your friend's wife loves it. Well done! Cheer's, Jeff.
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