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David Hingtgen

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About David Hingtgen

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  1. Hmmmn----this video made it look to me like the RAM tape is as "thick and 3D" as many others, and IMHO is a deal-killer: Screenshots:
  2. I'd like to get 3 "MBD3-U6" bomb racks in 1/72---this is sprue L in Trumpeter's Su-24 and Su-34 kits, the 6-bomb MER basically. Trumpeter will only sell 1 spare sprue per kit at a time, and charges exorbitant shipping. I'd prefer to just get a couple sprues from people who have loaded theirs up with with larger bombs and missiles, and aren't using the racks for the small 100kg bombs.
  3. Might not be exact, but I believe 166608 was one of the first to have them from the factory, in 2005. (VFA-143's first CAG bird) ::edit:: Can't independently verify it, but I found a note I wrote down years ago: "166607 (E) and 166635 (F)" for the change-over at the factory.
  4. Does it have to be a single AIM-120?(I'm not even sure that's possible under-wing, dual-launcher or nothing AFAIK) Does it have to be a D model? I saved this file as being an Operation Iraqi Freedom load, but not what squadron.
  5. Italeri 837, the "F-14A Plus" is not an A+/B. It is simply an A. Only PW engines are in the box, and the decals it comes with are appropriate. Also, it's known for having "odd" plastic that is sometimes hard to glue----I can attest to that.
  6. Hmmm. I've seen stencils for spraying Luftwaffe mottling, that may work (better for me than trying to freehand it). And instead of mixing, simply using different brands of the base color could give a similar effect. (no two bottles of ghost greys are alike!)
  7. Yeah, you would need an incredibly finely-ground mica or pearl to look at all good. Personally, I think "oversized" mica would look better than none at all, but that's just me. They do look awfully "plain grey" in a lot of lighting. But your standard "Tamiya clear pearl" is basically "glitter in a can". Maybe custom hot rod/motorcycle paints have extra-finely ground pearl additive for airbrushing, that may work well? Some of them are quite "subtly" pearl with very small particles.
  8. Another related question----I've seen "ever better" techniques for doing a weathered TPS finish over the years. If "level 1" is raw "35237 with pro modeler wash" and "level 6" is "pre-shading, post-shading, wash, spraying individual panel/access seams with a lighter color of the base, then salt, then a thin coat of the base color to fade it all out"---what would a "level 2" be? As in, best bang-for-the-buck, one more step to add beyond just a basic panel-line wash, to make it more realistic, without going all-out into a multi-step multi-day process. (Same goal as building it---want "maximum
  9. Looks pretty universal for the Tamiya at this point. Maybe buy an Academy as "practice" first. PS----anybody interested in a few 72nd Hase kits? Still have few in my stash. 🙂
  10. Haven't done much modelling the last few years, and I've been looking through a lot of builds lately, of the Tomcats that have come out in the past few years (while I wasn't building any!)---I don't think any has been praised as "clearly the best one ever"----that said, I'm wondering what one "has the best odds of looking good when built". A master modeler can deal with any issue in any kit---that's not me! I'm looking for one where I won't have to spend 100 hours trying to get parts to fit. I would basically want to "slap it together out of the box, and be proud of it". Skills are rusty,
  11. Ok, I found "the rule" from Imgur: "As long as images are getting at least 1 view every 6 months, they will stick around forever. After that, your image may be removed to create more space for newer images." So, if at least twice a year, someone views the pic, it should be ok. But if it's an old thread from 2015 (or 2005!), it may have lapsed...
  12. Imgur is temporary though---don't expect that link to work a year (or 2 months) from now. They constantly "cycle" their stuff. The link may still technically work---but it'll have been assigned to a new pic that someone else uploaded. Some forums have banned Imgur for that reason---you upload a pic, but a few months later--it's been replaced with someone else's VERY not-safe-for-work photo. And yeah, my account is "locked down" too. I'm not going to go through and re-do every post on every forum I've ever made. Those posts will just "wither and die" without their pics. (Pho
  13. Those are not an F-16's tailplanes...
  14. If you build it gear-up and use decal windows, is there any reason to go with the Revell?
  15. Haze grey is too dark and too cool. You want a VERY pale grey, slightly warm. Coroguard? Lots of options. Most any mix of metallic+grey will be "in the ballpark". For an early 747, I'd go quite warm. Like steel or even bronze mixed with silver and grey. Pure metallic or pure grey is too extreme for coroguard.
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