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About Whiskey

  • Rank
    It's a tank!
  • Birthday 08/05/1985

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    Fort Worth, TX

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  1. @Finn yes, however, ResKit is producing two separate sets as a D. One is what the call “early” and the other as the “late” but they are both the same according to their photos.
  2. @Dave Williams yes, the APR-25 RHAW scope is another item that was added later on. My understanding is that the “early” IPs did not have the NASAAR bowl at the bottom of the panel until later on, as it is shown in the Jenkins book, and later retrofitted as you said to all D models. That is what makes an “early” D. No radar scope and vertical tape instruments. The B model had round dials.
  3. Let me start off by saying I enjoy ResKit and their products. They have released some amazingly detailed aftermarket stuff for our aircraft models we thoroughly love building. That being said, I felt the need to begin a discussion of their newly designed F-105D Thunderchief cockpits. There is no malice intent with my post here. Now I am by no means a Thud expert, I’ve just loved the plane and its exploits since I was a kid, so maybe someone with more knowledge than myself can chime in here. Back in June, ResKit announced a F-105D “late” cockpit. On their Facebook post I asked them
  4. Probably in my best interest to just wait and see with those shipping prices.
  5. A sheet for Eglin AFB test aircraft in ADC Grey.
  6. Just watched a video of one doing just that and good lord it really is living up to the expectation of “beating the air into submission”!
  7. The turned exhaust? One can only hope that Floyd or the new chap on the block, Mr. Jonathan Smith, will someday get around to it. It would be really cool if a new AH-1W kit was released with options to build a pre-NTS, NTS, and the last NTS iteration Cobras all in one box.
  8. Wow. That's a lot of stencils! Fantastic work. The amount of pictures are appreciated also so as to get a great view of your talent.
  9. There are two other established threads on the subject already. One in the Jet Modeling subforum and the other in the Caracal Decals one.
  10. Not able to crack open any of my reference books that are at home whilst I am at work, but just out of curiosity, what kind of markings would we be able to depict an F-86A in? I ask because a google search tends to bring up Sabres of all variants and not specifically an A.
  11. HOLY SMOKES that is a lot of money for that!
  12. Beautiful work. Very striking aircraft in a the best pose for display.
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