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About Djack

  • Rank
    Step away from the computer!
  • Birthday 07/10/1974

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  • Location
    Kansas City, MO

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  1. I had some good traveling opportunities this year around the US and saw some interesting looking aircraft. Whenever I see schemes/liveries like these, I always think how that would be a cool decal sheet, or what a pain that might be to paint! Happy New Year!
  2. Definitely happy to hear this. The AH-1W is one I was waiting for!
  3. That yellow tail Viper is amazing!
  4. Thanks for the compliments guys!
  5. I've been able to do some traveling this year and have seen some good stuff along the way. Here's a few of some of the cooler stuff I've seen...
  6. Great work, and great stories as usual Gary! David
  7. This is what makes this hobby so great!
  8. Looks like a great trip back to the base! Nice shots! David
  9. Terrific set pf pictures! One day I really hope to visit Russia for an airshow! David
  10. What a line up! London always seems to put together a great line up! I remember it from back in the 80's too, once day I'll make it up there. David
  11. I'm still holding out hope...
  12. I had the v1 push/pull at one time, but last year I bought a new one, which is the v2. Took a while to get used to for sure after having the other one for 10 years. David
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