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Congrats! I just got married last Saturday!

Congrats to you too.......What's going on here you guys trying to create a Year-end rush!!!. I wonder if this works for taxes credits..if so I'll get remarried and try that angle :D .

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As long as she accepts you for the plastic touchin, glue sniffing, decal grubbin, putty hound that you are.

You two will be fine.

Jen and I have been married 19 years here, (20 in August 11)

It is a 3 ring circus by the way

Engagement Ring

Wedding Ring


But seriously Congrats David

William G

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Congratulations!! Love those smiles!! Make them last, and everything else will be a lot easier. It's tough, but it's worked for us for over 22 years.


(Oh, I am SO glad this wasn't a thread on Hugh Hefner getting engaged to a woman 60 years his junior!)

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