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Don't know if this has been done before, but what is your pick for the top 3 coolest (and functionally appropriate) names given to a military aircraft. Mine are:

1) F-15E "Strike Eagle" (says what it does)

2) "Mirage" family (French cool)

3) F-104 "Star Fighter" (so '60's neo-futuristic)

I guess the Ruskies are out of this one. Frogfoot doesn't exactly cut it as cool. Your thoughts?

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1. Of course the F-105 Thunderchief (Almost Demi-god like when you can carry a nuke)

2. A-6 Intruder (coolest name for a strike A/C)

3. P-51 Mustang. ( Mustang is also my favorite car, both pretty fast)

Edited by Thunderchief105
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Black Widow

Not the biggest fan of these necessarily but the names rock^

I guess the Ruskies are out of this one. Frogfoot doesn't exactly cut it as cool. Your thoughts?




A few more I cant think of right now

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Actual manufacturer given names, or nick names as well?

No nick names -




Honorable Mention -



Flying Fortress (Say what?!?!? A fortress that flies? Just inspires terror!)

Nick Names - (God, I could just list several of the many given to the A-4 here)

Bantam Bomber



Honorable Mention -

Lead Sled


Gutless Cutlass

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I like the Tomcat has from what i read it got is name from the Admiral Tom that really pushed to get it hence Tom's Cat

Also on the list




WildCat (Altough the plane is far from wild !)


As for nick names



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Seafox (Fairey)

Fury (Hawker)

Vindicator (Vought)

Gnatsnapper (Gloster)

Black Widow (Northrop)

Dark Shark (Ryan)

Snark (Sopwith)

Barracuda (Fairey)

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I always thought the Avro Vulcan had a great name for a bomber.

Name your bomber after an ancient god of fire and smithing so that the very name of the machine will tell any enemy that the hammer's coming down. :fight::evil-laughter:

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Spitfire, Seafire, Vulcan, Argus, Valkyrie.

I only know one Russian name - Su-25 is called "grach" which means crow or something like that...

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I only know one Russian name - Su-25 is called "grach" which means crow or something like that...

I understand that "grach" translates directly as "rook" in English.

"Mriya", the An-225's given name translates as "dream"

"Ruslan", the An-124's name translates as something like "condor"

I have read that the slab sided design of the Sukhoi Su-24 led crews to give it the unofficial nickname "Suitcase"

I have also read in places of the Sukhoi Su-7 being unofficially dubbed "Flying Stovepipe" by it's crews.

Edited by Kevan Vogler
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There are lots of aircraft names I like; but the ones that I really like are the NATO code names that are assigned to Soviet/Warsaw Pact/Chinese equipment. Those guys seem to have an excellent sense of humor, and the slightly condescending tint of these names is simply brilliant. My favorites are:

Mig-15 Fagot

Mig-21 Fishbed (You can't make this stuff up. No, wait: someone in NATO did.)

Mig 1.44 Flatpack

Kamov Ka-26 Hoodlum

CSS-C7 Sadsack (Those NATO guys really didn't have a very high opinion of this Chinese missile.)

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