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Michael A.

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About Michael A.

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    LZ 'Backyard' / FSB 'The House'

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  1. On Wednesday I posted comments with regards to a reported incident where an A-7D inadvertently launched an AIM-9 during a combat mission. My complements to Finn for providing his most excellent video. My hypothesis is that the early part of the video covers the A-7Ds first combat mission launch and recovery. Hence the abundance of high-ranking sideling spectators. At the 8.55 min. mark in this video, we see a returning A-7D, 71-327, returning with an empty AIM-9 rail on the right side of the aircraft. So, there might be something to the story.
  2. I had a discussion with a former member of the A-7D contingent in Thailand late in the war. Initial combat operations included a pair of AIM-9s in the ATO for each participating A-7D. That was, however, short-lived. It seems that a relatively novist A-7D pilot managed to inadvertently launch an AIM-9 through a formation of F-4s that were out in front of the A-7s. Fortunately, the AIM-9 did not lock on to or hit any of the F-4s. That was the last day that A-7Ds carried AIM-9s according to my source.
  3. These are outstanding representations of the M47 WP Bomb. Anyone considering a 1/48 SANDY A-1 build needs to seriously consider adding this item to your underwing stores. Michael A.
  4. Check out the interior color used on US Armored vehicles. Sorry I cannot provide the FS No.
  5. Is this going to be a 160th aircraft on day one of the operation or a bird from the 82nd Abn Div. used later in the operation? The reason I ask is the 160th did not have Chicken Plates when they deployed for this operation. I can’t speak the 82nd’s aircraft used at Calivigny Barracks.
  6. In the early 90s when the Army was phasing the early TOW Capable Cobras out of the system some of them were shipped to NAS Pensacola. Here the sighting system was removed in order to install them on the USMC Whisky models that were being turned out at the time. Then the old Army Cobras were crushed and stacked in a parking lot not too far from the front gate awaiting pick-up by a scrapper. It would make you want to cry.
  7. No issues with purchases and delivery. You will, however, receive junk mail from them until the end of time.
  8. Just received a copy yesterday. In my opinion, it is the finest work available on the 56th Fighter Group. Lots of color photographs, artwork, and previously unpublished photos. Highly recommended for anyone interested in this subject.
  9. I think I am detecting some possible confusion here with regard to yellow canopy frames and the canopy removal system. I will speak to the AH-1G since that is where the majority of my limited experience lies. The inside frames of the hinged canopy / hatches on the AH-1G were painted yellow. Ref: AH-1G Cobra Questions - FineScale Modeler - Essential magazine for scale model builders, model kit reviews, how-to scale modeling, and scale modeling products This is intended to assist a disoriented aircrew member exit an aircraft during a; ‘significant emotional event (think
  10. I had the opportunity to acquire and use a number of Official Paints back in my (once-upon-a-time) era of model building. They were brushable and the colors were 595 equivalents. I turned out some nice-looking kits during the very short shelf-life of these paints. And yes. they could turn to jello in as little as six weeks.
  11. Congratulations Jim, looking forward to the read. Michael
  12. flagon21, Thanks for the info, will order a set and see how things turn out. Have a good modeling holiday. Michael
  13. Who produces or what decal sheet has a variety of 1/72 scale Red Stenciling? An upcoming project with a black airframe requires red stenciling and I am for a source. Any help would be appreciated. Michael
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