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About Raptor01

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    Step away from the computer!

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    Oklahoma City

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  1. My Alligator & Begemont Decal Sheet with lots of Z sizes are on the way from Hannants! 👍 John
  2. I too am saddened by this, we met up a couple times on visits to England and I was planning on meeting up again this Summer on my visit to England. RIP my friend. John
  3. There are Aeromaster decals. I have the 48-408 sheet, I plan on doing Dolph's Devil. John
  4. Mine will be here this afternoon according to Amazon. Special Book for me as I was at RAF UH on 15 April 1986. My shop maintained the ALQ-137 jammers on the EF-111A. Interesting to see if the Ghost Rider mission to Goose Bay Canada by the F-111E from RAF UH 6 months earlier is covered. This mission proved the F-111 Legs with individual Tanker support. John
  5. The tied open early gun blast doors are pretty cool. This is a going to sell well in the US. John
  6. The V Wind screen looks good!👍🏻 John
  7. Those are very clear pics of the V windscreen. I have a few from when I visited Duxford a few years ago. The V windscreen is difficult to scratch, I tried my best to execute one, (See the 6th post in this Thread). It was my first attempt, and I have a better idea now, but with this release I should not have to scratch one. The CE conversion had a Resin Cast V-Windscreen that was poorly executed in my opinion, so a scratched one was necessary. I hope this new kit V Windscreen is as good as the frames seem to be. I may be able to adapt its windscreen to my built Hasegawa modded A-5.
  8. Must be my tired old eyes, I looked, but only on my phone. This is going to be a must have kit for me! 👍🏻 John
  9. Is a good close-up available of the armored V windscreen? That is the first and foremost distinguishing feature of the A & early E Sabre. Too bad the early gun blast panels were not on the frames, but I an definitely in for a couple. John
  10. About time, looking forward to an A with the armored V windscreen. Hope for some early 1951 4th FIW ACE Markings. I built Eagleston’s Sabre before it got shot up using CE -A conversion & decals. A V screen scratch build is always the toughest feature. Definitely stoked on this one. John
  11. Only a modeling problem if you choose to build it that way. 🤔 John
  12. AB Charles & Son on West Liberty Ave. in Dormont during the 1970's was the best in the area. I think his son still operates after a few moves around the area. They had the best selection of kits & model railroad supplies. John
  13. Bill & Walts Hobby Shop, Downtown Pittsburgh, PA. Still have my Binks Wren A Airbrush purchased when I was 12 Yrs Old! John
  14. I have 12 HAS 1/72 Varks all versions, built the FB in 1989 when I was in the 509 BW at Pease AFB. I am currently working on a 1/48 FrankenBoss F-111E with Black Dog, Resikit, D-Mold and other upgrades. The F-111 has always been the USAF Bastard Child, no reason it should get any love in the modeling world. What I learned maintaining F-111 electronics for 17 Yrs. set me up life and I will buy every model & aftermarket piece released. John
  15. Thanks Jim, I will get one of Zacto’s on order. Nothing like a bunch of goodies from a TDY!😂 John
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