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Everything posted by Tosa

  1. Hi MiG Hunter, I have the same problem, got an Academy kit but I want to build an D-30 bird. I plan to cut the fin out of a styrene sheet. I think that 1.5-2 mm thickness will do. The top would need to be sanded to make it more wedge like. That's the only thing I came up with, so far. Regards
  2. The carpet monster has just hit me with Moskit metal exhaust for Me 109 G. I had no idea I had lost it.
  3. The question weather we need another model paint line or not can not be answered without considering how good the paints are, how accurate and how complete they are... Different modelers base their preference on different qualities in paints. Some modelers don't want to waste time mixing their paints. Some modelers consider ready made paints more accurate than a home made brew. Anything that is improvement to the current offer, be it a model, paint line, you name it, is welcome.
  4. Of course it's personal choice, but privacy has nothing to do with it... <--- By the way, that's my real nickname
  5. Correct or not, both the plane and the photos are done beautifully.
  6. Akan (Акан) 73005 cockpit interior (water based acrylic)
  7. I have used Humbrol flat white with Humbrol clear gloss and Testors dullcote over it. It's still white after 15+ years.
  8. Model Master 2135 (enamel?) is supposedly a close match. I don't remember where I got that from. I haven't seen it myself so I can't comment on it. AKAN acryl 73005 looks very convincing.
  9. I use this two saw set from Tamiya, and more often than not I hold them without a handle. I also use surgical blades. I use the one in the picture for straight cuts. (The squares on the matt are 1x1 cm.) Regards
  10. I've never disassembled nozzles of my Aztec(so far). I flush them with thinner, and then soak them in lacquer thinner. Never had problems. I've had this Aztec for 15 years. Two years ago I bought an Eclipse. I haven't managed yet to try it... :lol:
  11. A couple of hours ago I bought a few items directly from Eduard site and after that switched to a German online shop to get some more stuff. On that other site they offer Eduard too, and in the moment of foolish curiosity I checked the prices... and I almost fainted. Every single Eduard item was considerably cheaper than at Eduard's! MiG 21 exhaust that I just payed 15.2€ was offered for 10€! That's 30% for Gods sake! And no, it was not on sale, and prices on both sites were VAT excluded. Thank you Eduard, but you won't have a dime from me ever again. Rant mode off.
  12. I've been wondering about that too (that's why my Emil's been on stand by for ages). I'd expect it be 02, but a few photos that popped up when i googled (some of them in colour, but I am not sure if they are originals or colourized) seem to be bare aluinium. I don't know what to make of it now...
  13. I didn't insatll the engine in my F-86, but I had to add some weight to pevent the tail dropping down. I think the instructions called for adding weight too (but I am not sure).
  14. Almost as good as the one I have built. :P Seriously, very nice build! Честитке, Драгане. :)
  15. I'm building an AZ Models Morane Saulnier 406 C1, one of ex-Luftwaffe machines transferred to Croatian Airforce and subsequently captured and operated by Yugoslav partisans. I couldn't find much reference on the MS in general, let alone while they were with Luftwaffe, so I need some help. After the transfer to Luftwaffe RLM 74/75/76 camo scheme was aplied, but what happened to the cocpit, undercariage bays and covers? Where they left with their original French paint or they were overpainted to RLM standards? I've found a photo of Croat MS no 2305. A headrest strut can be seen in the photo and
  16. Hey, that's very nice looking MiG! The canopy putty is adorable! I've never seen something like that... :blink:
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