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About dehowie

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    Full Blown Model Geek

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    Planes,pics and plastic!

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  1. Oh to have a high quality SU-22 in 48th! Crazy to not bang this out in 48th with Afghan war markings and Eastern EU specials.
  2. Super build and paint mate thats a beauty!
  3. Looks great to me but stby for the usual suspects to flood the forums with red lines and over sharpened/over contrasted photos and then whinge about rivets and panel lines. General detail looks very nice indeed be happy to buy a couple and see what the high detail one brings. With Tamiya’s M long oop hope to see the M come along soon.
  4. Just by the MC kits for an easy Buff build. Having spent enough time measuring a real B-52 and crawling around its a WAY better start point..like way more than the AMT kit. It can be built from the box and it looks in comparison with an unmodified AMT kit a thousand times better. The microscopic view of the MC kit has overblown what are tiny issues compared to the gigantic dramas of the AMT kit. The hyperbole thats been gone into to generate youtube views ie money has so generated so much utter misinformation as to actually have people buying thecworst B-52 ever released as
  5. I grabbed a couple of the Redfox ZM F-4G sets and really they are ok but on close inspection lack a pile of detail on Quinta stuff. Things like instrument faces are pretty well same same compared to the stunning detail in my other Quinta ZM sets. In 48th unless you look really closely you wont see it. Seriously was thinking long about the colour PE set from ZM as it looks more vibrant and holding the Redfox beside the etch set really it was not much to pick. Redfox needs to step up the 3D part of their sets as compared directly to the Quinta ones for the F-4C/D they are les
  6. Based off the videos online everything ive seen leaves the Meng kit trailing in quality by a large margin in every aspect. Panel lines, cockpit detail, burner cans, ejection seats to start. Where i am and where i shop the Meng kits will be either very close in price or more expensive than ZM so i dont even see the point in a comparison where the ZM kit is so clearly superior.If Meng was half the price there might be a discussion and maybe they will dump them for that in the US but they are not that here nor where i buy most of my kits. Modelling time is to short to waste on seco
  7. Test shots appeared at Tokyo Volks store this week. Through glass the RAM is extremely fine looking almost flat with what appeared a textural difference rather than an elevation difference. Very subtle. Pilot figure and cockpit look very good detail looks better than F-4/F-14, weapons bay is simply stunning. It looks nothing like the Meng or Italeri kits being far more restrained on the upper fuselage RAM detailing.
  8. Im with you. Based directly off Mengs most recent F-18 its still a generation and a half behind the sharpness and quality of detail in ZM Phantoms. Unless Meng pull a very big rabbit out of the hat to somehow match ZM’s beautiful sharp detail its going to be a poor second choice. Price wise its going to be equivalent or within 10-15% more or less than the ZM kit in most of the world except China however Meng in Japan will be far more based off Hornet prices in Japan some 40% more. Id say id comfortably pay 30-40% more for the ZM quality compared to a Meng equivalent M
  9. Well as Tamiya is releasing the Italeri F-35B in Japan in November in a Tamiya Italeri box there certainly wont be a B coming from them. The C requires an entire new fuselage etc for only one operator so i wouldnt be putting my house on that appearing anytime soon but it is Tamiya so never rule anything out.
  10. Just to readjust my view on the RAM on the Trump F-35C. Looking under better light now i have the kit rather than through plastic it does look a little to pronounced in line with what Dave said. One thing in the Trump kits favor is i think the plates look pronounced is the are molded extremely sharply with seemingly vertical edges. Using a magnifier the sharp edges are part of the reason they look a little to proud. Id suggest a very light sand to take the sharpness off the edges will give a very reasonable impression of RAM. The kit is very very well tooled and extremely sharp and i think its
  11. I would of thought given how many “extra” releases Tamiya hasn't gone ahead with people would of learnt that lesson. The list of aircraft Tamiya “could” of done with minor changes is far far longer than the kits they have released.
  12. Just picked up the Trump F-35C and very impressed with the very restrained surface detail. Upper RAM panels are very nicely done and to my eye the finest ive seen first hand in 48th or 32nd including the new Tamiya F-35. Surprised this kit hasnt received more attention as on initial looks after buying it appears very very nice.
  13. Fox Ones outstanding F-4G sheets pop up on Ebay from time to time. Outstanding sheets if you can get one.
  14. GWH Tomcats oh dear there goes the bank account, and then throw in a pile of Hogs.. Im trying to imagine how awesome these will be based off the stunning run of beautiful Flankers. 48th doesn't get any better right now than GWH.
  15. On the live stream from Modelart there was no plastic on display just the kit itself.
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