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Wild Weasel V

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About Wild Weasel V

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    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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    Bristol, UK

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  1. These were made by modifying a LAU-10 rocket pod. The ends were cut off, an internal track to carry the film cameras installed and fairings made for each end with windows for the cameras. You can see how they were converted in this article from a 1966 Air University Review magazine (jump to page 67 for pictures). https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/ASPJ/journals/1966_Vol17_No1-6/1966_Vol17_No5.pdf There's more pictures and information here: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235135422-f-100d-with-strike-camera/#comment-4872634 HTH,
  2. That's an A300 fuselage: If it's 1/200, then it could be a Hasegawa A300B4. There is an A300B4-622R boxing in JAL colours but I believe it just the same A300B4 kit with a new decal sheet. Assuming it's 1/144 scale, that would then be the Airfix A300B2 kit. If it is the fuselage should be about 36.5cm long and the raised spine section 6cm long. It's a very nice kit and reasonably accurate despite its age - about 50 years IIRC! It lacks the air conditioning ram air 'canoes' forward of the MLG bay and the Trimmable Horizontal Stabiliser plates on the aft fuselage (they wer
  3. I'm not a big fan of resurrecting long dead threads but it seemed appropriate in this case given some of the information it contains on which jets were fitted with them since it now looks, at long last, we are going to get cleaar resin versions of the F-4 single piece windshield. In Hannants' Future Releases listings Procal Decals, who have produced some rather nice Hellenic Air Force decal sheets, are going to do one for either the Hasegawa or Meng Phantoms. There's no indication of a Zoukei Mura option but maybe they're waiting for the Z-M 'Late F-4E' kit to be more widely availa
  4. Hi Scott, It probably depends on the version and where it was built. The first photo is from the Lock-On #1 book from Verlinden and is a Belgian F-104G, specifically FX-94 as marked on the compartment cover 😉. The other two are CF-104s (no 'G' suffix; they are a different variant). The DACO book 'Uncovering the (T)F-104G Starfighter' (https://www.dacoproducts.com/KDCB005.php) has photos of at least two empty compartments - in YZC and the same grey as the boxes. One of the photos indicates the central support is grey with the rest of the structure in YZC and one in YZC with grey sills to t
  5. Two+Two seating,? Check. Space underneath for luggage? Check. Optional conformal fuselage panniers for skis, golf bags or fishing tackle? Check. If an EA-6B and a F-16 had a baby - meet the Prowlcon 616: Go anywhere fast - as long as it's no more than an hour away Alternatively, you could look at a similar configuration like the Su-34. From Wikipedia:
  6. The Revell RF-4C/E lower wing is the same as the one in their F-4E/F kit. Revell supply blanking plates to fill in the aft Sparrow wells and the lower nose section sits over the forward wells in a similar arrangement to the Hasegawa 1/72 and 1/48 kits. Hopefully the long promised Zoukei Mura RF-4 family will be the first with a dedicated wing layout. If you do swap the wing parts you can then only build one of the last 16 RF-4Es built for Greece and Turkey. These were 'end of run specials' as by then there were only slatted wing parts available. They also had the later curved pr
  7. Israel's F-4Es were first delivered in September 1969 and were in their standard scheme of FS 33531/30219/34227 upper surfaces with FS 35622 undersurfaces. As mentioned, the only F-4Es delivered to Israel in the SEA scheme were those ex-USAF aircraft that were part of Operation Nickel Grass starting in mid-October 1973. These were all coded 3xx by the IDF/AF and were a mix of slatted and unslatted aircraft. Most were allocated to Squadron 69 but some went to the other units as attrition replacements. They were indeed nicknamed 'Karpada' or Toad because of the darker camouflage. At least one re
  8. I've found the Osprey Combat Aircraft #94 US Marine Corps F-4 Phantom II Units of the Vietnam War https://www.ospreypublishing.com/us/us-marine-corps-f4-phantom-ii-units-of-the-vietnam-war-9781849087513/ to be a handy reference. It should be still available so search around for a copy at a lower price. Another vote for both the AoA and Furball sheets. To expand your choice from just the single fin cap configuration in the Tamiya kit, Flying LeatherNecks Scale Creations have three variations https://www.flyingleathernecksdecals.com/search?query=fin+cap He also has multiple suitable
  9. As Jackman says, no not an error. This 'Super Detail' kit is number 51022/CH22. While it only goes up to 2015, this modelingmadness link has a summary of Hasegawa 1/48 F-86 Sabre kit contents . The Sabres are listed about a third of the way down the page; after the F-8s, A-4s, A-7s and AV-8B/Harrier kits. This says the box included 21 resin parts such as wheels, control surfaces, cockpit, gun bays and intake for superdetailing, similar to Eduard's series of limited edition kits.
  10. They are the same grey. In fact Airbus has been referring to BAC707 grey in their documentation since the first A300 was built, along with other base colours. I was able to obtain this extract from the basic A300B2 painting drawing: Presumably to remove mention of Boeing colours on their drawings, the called up codes were changed a few years ago to an internal Airbus reference but the grey can still be traced back to BAC707. I think the perception of there being different Airbus/Boeing greys started with Xtracolor selling two separate tins when Hann
  11. There's a photo dated September 1961 of JA-120 on page 71 of the Squadron Signal F-86 Sabre Walk Around book #5521. with a natural metal JG71 Sabre in the background. JA-120 is taken from the rear 3/4 aspect but you can clearly see it has the original seat installed.
  12. Great start as usual Dai. It'll be a nice complement to your Hurricane. Maybe a Blenheim If and a Beaufighter I to complete the early British night fighter team? The Defiant is one of those concepts that was proven to be outdated even before it entered service but has held a fascination for modellers ever since. The original 1/72 Airfix kit from the mid 1960s was very popular and it's, much needed, 2014 replacement was obviously successful enough to persuade Airfix to tool this 1/48 version a couple of years later. Will keep an eye on your build as I have the same kit i
  13. Here's a picture with the machine translation. Spring 2024, so maybe April given the late February pre-order date? All total speculation of course, but the test shot doesn't have the TISEO pod and has a RWR 'football' on the fin cap. That would at least suggest a retrofitted jet with the belly strap. It is possible that the kit could come with a separate new frame with the thicker skin lower wing and TISEO as well as the existing Frame H from the F-4G. Z-M will need to tool the thicker skin wing anyway since they'll be doing an F-4F to finish off the gun nose va
  14. Hi Dutch, Yes, Furball did indeed release 72-003 - I have a copy in my stash 🙂 It has the same subjects as the 1/48th version. I believe that it was one of Geoff's fastest selling 1/72nd sheets, which is interesting considering the Fujimi Skyhawks were rather rare at the time. If you can't track down a copy, the VMA-214 A-4M 160030 WE/01 is also one of the subjects in the recent Hobby 2000 reboxing of the Fujimi A-4M #72017 and two of the OA-4Ms, 154638 WA/01 of H&MS-12 and 154628 DA/04 of H&MS-32, are in the #72018 kit. Note that 154638 has a couple of differen
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