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About WymanV

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  • Birthday 09/20/1963

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    Where the buffalo roam...and get shot by paranoid ranchers...
  • Interests
    Aviation, tanned & dangerous brunettes.

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  1. Companies are getting a lot of miles out of those Accurate Miniatures molds. Still my favorite kit of all time.
  2. From conversations I've had with museum employees over the years I've concluded counting on donating to a museum is a bad idea. One of the guys in Oshkosh told me years ago if they accepted all the scale model donations they've been offered there'd be no room to display the real aircraft. "We can throw them away just as easily as you can." Mine go to kids. Family if there are kids that age or just neighborhood kids. Let them play with them, let them wreck them. Won't matter to me. And if just one of those kids picks up a kit and gives it a try for him/her self then added bonus.
  3. uBlock blocks it here but I noticed it's been a year since that page has been updated as well.
  4. To pile on, here are a few I took of EAA's Aluminum Overcast many years ago (over 20 I'm sure) of the starboard nacelle. The front bulkhead is to the left in the first pic, looking at the rear bulkhead in the second and a closer look at the duct in pic 2 in the third pic. Wish I had gotten more but there was a crowd as I recall.
  5. I stick to a scale. I don't want them to look odd on display together.
  6. Dana Bell to the rescue: Aircraft Pictorial #3 OS2U Kingfisher, page 71-"All Kingfisher floatplanes carried a handling line on the upper surface of each wing."
  7. It was on both sides and since they were hand painted they were not quite the same.
  8. The only trouble I had with this build is the instrument panel was too wide. After taking about 1mm off around the top "arc" with a sanding stick it fit like a glove. If I needed another one I'd happily build another. http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/312333-the-defiant-ones/
  9. You might also want to look at model railroad stuff. Between decals and dry transfers they have a lot available.
  10. WymanV

    Hellcat MLG wheels

    I do remember that from building both kits side-by-side for a group build here many years ago (remember "group builds"?). When compared the Hasegawa wheels were noticeably skinnier and they got replaced with aftermarket.
  11. If I feel a need to take a break from scale modeling I'll build an Accurate Miniatures Dauntless.
  12. The new tooled Helldiver was a Pro Modeler offering. And wasn't the ME-410 as well?
  13. Indeed... (sigh) Now I have to go through all my Tamiya kits and throw the decals away, lest I never become an intermediate modeler 😞
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