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About DonSS3

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    Life Member (Mon-Key Handler)
  • Birthday 11/09/1957

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    Clarksville, TN
  • Interests
    Aviation, Model Building (primarily 1/48th scale aircraft), Science Fiction

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  1. These aren't the greatest shots, but they may be helpful. These were taken at NAF Kadena, Okinawa in the spring of 1980. The photos weren't the best to start with and these are scans from matt-finished prints, but they should help answer your question, at this point the insides of the flaps were red.
  2. A bit late to the party, but after recently picking up Special Hobby's 1/48 kit I was doing a search for AH-1G photos, this has been a really useful thread. It may seem heretical to some, but I am planning on doing one of the Spanish Navy aircraft. These were based at Rota, Spain, where I did quite a few USN P-3 deployments.
  3. That's an interesting detail.
  4. I've read that FS 36176 is a good match. In the Modelmaster line this is quite a bit darker than their FS 36270 "Neutral Gray."
  5. DonSS3


    I think that aircraft would be as much (or more) dangerous to its pilot as would the opposition… 🤨
  6. Don't forget that the non-modeler won't see many of the things we tend to be bothered about.They're just happy that you built a model of their aircraft. As long as there aren't really big errors (choose your own definition for that term) I'd let it go. As long as the paint and decal work looks good, they'll definitely be thankful for what you've done for them.
  7. This guy posts a lot over on HyperScale. He's got a lot of interesting detail and conversion items in his eBay store. IIRC he goes by hofnerbassman over on HS.
  8. It's very cool to see your whole process for creating this. Thanks for taking us along for the ride. 🙂
  9. Do you paint that on or dip the part in it (ala Future)?
  10. Doing a quick Google Image search leads me to believe that if you use US Dark Gull Gray, you'll be very close. https://www.google.com/search?q=transall+c+160+cockpit&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj_mv-_2ZrfAhWqilQKHT7LApAQ_AUIDigB&biw=1506&bih=876#imgrc=pmyHAftiZRa-GM: Please let us know if you do find the proper RAL numbers (and that I'm out to lunch on this one).
  11. I'm really glad they decided to do the ASW version. Being an ex-ASW crew member, this is right up my alley.
  12. DonSS3

    CP-107 Argus

    Now that you mention it, I do remember that odd greenish-blue color. It always amazed me the ASW work those guys could do in the 1970s with that old platform with old electronics.
  13. This may be worth a look. It seems to show the Smer and Heller kits being from the same 1/50 molds: https://www.scalemates.com/kits/163423-sm-r-0822-piper-l4-cub
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